Successfully Completed Activities

  • Aug. 26, 2023 – Chinese calligraphy demonstration and service at the Dragon Race Festival, Daybreak, Salt Lake County
  • Aug. 24, 2023 – Senior class of Chinese calligraphy and painting, at the Olympus Senior Center, Holladay
  • July 20, 2023 – Senior class of Chinese calligraphy and painting, at the Olympus Senior Center, Holladay
  • June 23-25, 2023 – Art booth at the Utah Arts Festival, Salt Lake City
  • June 16, 2023 – Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Online Seminar 17: Special Golden Fish Painting by the U.S. Artist Mr. Li Yuan, by Shan He (何山), New York City, NY
  • June 3, 2023 – Cultural Booth at the Asia Festival, Salt Lake City
  • May 19-21, 2023 – Art booth and calligraphy workshops at the Utah Living Traditions, Salt Lake City
  • March 27, 2023 – Public workshop on Chinese painting in Sandy Library, Sandy
  • Jan. 9 to March 2, 2023 – The 2023 Utah Children Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Virtual Exhibition at the Salt Lake City Public Library – Children Library, Utah
  • Jan. 28, 2023 – SLEAC demonstrated Chinese calligraphy and crafts activities at the Living Heritage: the Lunar New Year at the Gallery of Union Station Museum – Ogden
  • Jan. 26, 2023 – SLEAC demonstrated Chinese calligraphy and provide calligraphy services at Herriman High School’s Chinese New Year Celebration, Herriman
  • Jan. 21, 2023 – Demonstrated Chinese calligraphy and provided calligraphy services at the CAST-UT hosted Chinese New Year Celebration at Viridian Event Center, South Jordan
  • Jan. 16, 2023 – Demonstrated Chinese calligraphy and provided calligraphy services at the Utah Chinese New Year Celebration program, Skyline High School, Salt Lake City
  • Jan. 9 to March 2, 2023 The 2023 Utah Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition (Adults) at the Salt Lake City Public Library Lower Urban Room
    Jan. 2023 – The 2023 Utah Children Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Virtual Exhibition at the Salt Lake City Public Library’s biblioboard at
  • Jan. 2023 – Spring Chinese Art Show at the Viridian Event Center, West JordanJan. 2023 – The 2023 Utah Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Virtual Exhibition (Adults) at the Salt Lake City Public Library’s biblioboard at
  • Dec. 15, 2022 Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Online Seminar 16: Chinese Painting Artist Huayan’s Hardish Experiences in Qing Dynasty,

    By Rui Guo 郭睿, Shandong, China

  • Nov. 28, 2022 – Teaching Chinese calligraphy at Bonnieville Jr. High School, Holladay
  • Nov. 12 and 19, 2022 – Four public workshops (two for children on Chinese calligraphy an two for adults on Chinese painting) at the Salt Lake City Public Library – Main Branch
  • Nov. 10, 2022  Chinese Calligraphy Online Seminar 15: Chinese Calligraphy and AI, by Jianping Wang 王建平, Helongjiang, China
  • Nov. 10, 2022 – Teaching Chinese calligraphy at Skyline High School Chinese Club, Salt Lake City
  • Nov. 3 & 17, 2022 – Taught Chinese calligraphy at Bennion Junior High School, Taylorsville
  • Sept. 2022 – SLEAC art booth at the State Fair, the State Fairground, Salt Lake City
  • Sept. 28, 2022 – Demonstrated Chinese calligraphy and provided calligraphy services in the Chinese Cultural Week at the University of Utah campus
  • 2022年7月21日 盐湖书画社书画知识讲座之十四 《古文字和篆刻艺术》
  • 主讲人:      孟强,篆刻艺术家,山东,中国
    7/21/2022 Chinese Calligraphy Online Seminar 14:    Ancient Writing and Seal Carving Art
    By Qiang Meng, Seal Carving Artist, Shandong,China
  • 2022年7月8日 参加犹他州举办的亚洲节,展示中国传统书法和国画作品
    7/8/2022 Demostration of Chinese calligraphy at the Asian Festival, Salt Lake City,Utah
  • The 2022 Salt Lake Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition, started on Jan., 2022
  • 9/1/-9/30/2022 Mid-Autumn Festival’s Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition
    At the Millcreek Library, Salt Lake County, Utah
  • June-September 2022, Children’s Calligraphy Class: Ou-Style, taught by Ms. Wu Xu
  • 2022年6月27日 参加犹他州大卫郡举办的夏季国际艺术夜,展示中国传统书法和国画作品
    6/27/2022 Participated in the Summerfest: Cultural and Art, organized by the Davis County Art Council, Bountiful,Utah
  • 2022年6月16日 盐湖书画社书画知识讲座之十三
    主讲人:      郭烨丹,职业画家,爱达荷州,美国
    6/16/2022 Chinese Painting Online Seminar 13:
    Tradition and Modernity, East and West – Sharing of the Experience in Exploration of Portrait Painting
    By Yedan Guo, Chinese Art Painter, Idaho, U.S.
  • 2022年6月4日 参加犹他州盐湖郡沙市图书馆举办的夏季读书月开幕式,表演中国传统书法
    6/4/2022 Demonstration of Chinese calligraphy at the opening day of the Summer Reading Month
    Organized by the Sandy Library of the Salt Lake County Library System,Utah
  • 2022年5月20日 在犹他《继承传统》周的学校项目中教中小学生书法
    5/20/2022 Teaching Chinese Calligraphy at the Living Tradition’s School Program
  • 2022年5月9日至6月30日 《金钉书画展》 在犹他州奥格登市的铁路博物馆举行
    5/9-6/30/2022 The Golden Spike Festival’s Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition
    At the Museums of Union Station in Ogden, Utah
  • 2022年4月14日 盐湖书画社书画知识讲座之十二 《中国画的创作与写生》
    主讲人:      赵桂明,职业画家,山西,中国
    4/14/2022 Chinese Painting Online Seminar 12:    Creation and Sketching of Chinese Paintings
    By Guiming Zhao, Chinese Art Painter, Shanxi,China
  • 2022年3月29日 盐湖书画社书画知识讲座之十一 《篆刻艺术知识和欣赏》
    主讲人:      蒋永辉,职业画家,北京,中国
    3/29/2022 Chinese Painting Online Seminar 11:    Knowledge and Appreciation of Seal Carving Art
    By Yonghui Jiang, Chinese Art Painter, Beijing,China
  • 2022年1月-4月 鹽湖市公立圖書舘 春节 《盐湖书画展 -儿童分展和成人分展》
    1/2022-4/2022 The Salt Lake Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition: Children and Adult
    Partially Sponsored by ZAP …
  • 2022年2月 鹽湖郡公立圖書舘 春节 《迎春书画展》
    2/1/-2/28/2022 The Spring Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition at West Jordan, Utah
    Partially Sponsored by ZAP …
  • 2021鹽湖市圖書舘《盐湖书画云展》
    The 2021 Salt Lake Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition, started on May 10, 2021
  • 2021年12月11日       书法国画云端工作坊       教师: 徐午、童燕齐, 由犹他州盐湖市公立图书馆组织
    12/11/2021       Chinese Calligraphy & Painting Virtual Workshop       Taught by Drs. Wu Xu and Yanqi Tong
    This project is supported in part by Utah Arts & Museums, with funding from the State of Utah and the National Endowment
    for the Arts and the Salt Lake City Public Library.
  • 2021年11月14日 盐湖书画社书画知识讲座之十 《画画的兴趣与作品的诞生》
    主讲人:      郭 睿 山东理工职业学院文化旅游与艺术学院副教授,济宁,中国
    11/14/2021 Chinese Painting Online Seminar 10:    Artistic Interests and Creativity of Chinese Painting
    By Rui Guo, Associate Professor, Department of Culture, Tourist and Arts, Shandong Polytechnic Collega, Jining, China
  • 2021年10月18日 盐湖书画社书画知识讲座之九 《中国山水画浅析·下集》
    主讲人:   何静    资深专职书画教师,深圳淇奥艺术室创办人,深圳,中国
    10/18/2021 Chinese Painting Online Seminar 9:    Analytical Review of Chinese Painting of Mountain and River · Part II
    By Jing He, Senior Instructor of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting, Awards Winner in Shenzhen, China
  • 2021年10月2日 参加犹他州举办的亚洲节,展示中国传统书法和国画作品
    10/02/2021 Participated in the Asian Festival, Sandy,Utah
  • 2021年9月18日 参加犹他州锥坡市举办的国际工艺美术节,展示中国传统书法和国画作品
    09/18/2021 Participated in the International Crafts and Arts Festival in the City of Draper, Utah
  • 2021年8月21日 盐湖书画社书画知识讲座之八 《中国山水画浅析·上集》
    主讲人:   何静    资深专职书画教师,深圳淇奥艺术室创办人,深圳,中国
    8/21/2021 Chinese Painting Online Seminar 8:    Analytical Review of Chinese Painting of Mountain and River · Part I
    By Jing He, Senior Instructor of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting, Awards Winner in Shenzhen, China
  • 2021年5月-12月       盐湖书画社国画工作坊       组织者辅导员: 胡丽娅、童燕齐
    5/07/2021 – 12/2021       Chinese Painting Workshop       Facilitator and Mentor by Ms. Liya Hu and Ms. Yanqi Tong
    This project is supported in part by Utah Arts & Museums, with funding from the State of Utah and the National Endowment for the Arts.
  • 2021年6月16日 – 8月31日 盐湖书画社儿童书法《曹全碑》班       教师: 徐午
    6/16/-8/31/2021 Children’s Calligraphy Cao Quan Bei Online-Class, taught by Ms. Wu Xu
    This project is supported in part by Utah Arts & Museums, with funding from the State of Utah and the National Endowment for the Arts.
  • 2021年6月26日 盐湖书画社书画知识讲座之七 《习练书法,修身养性》
    嘉宾:   陆佩丽    资深书法家,多次获得江苏省级书法大奖
    6/26/2021 Chinese Calligrahy and Painting Online Seminar 7:    Calligraphy Practicing and Health
    By Peili Lu, Chinese Calligraphy Awards’ Winner in Jiangsu, China
  • 2021年6月26日 盐湖书画社2021年社员大会
    6/26/2021 The annual membership meeting of the Salt Lake Eastern Art Club
  • 2021年5月21日 盐湖书画社书画知识讲座之六 《硬笔书法入门》
    主讲人:杨珊珊 中国教育部级和福建省级“优课奖”获得者,泉州市小学教师硬笔书法一等奖获得者
    10/06/2020 Chinese Calligrahy and Painting Online Seminar 6:    Introduction to Pen-Calligraphy
    By Ms. Shanshan Yang, 1st Place Award for Pen-calligraphy in Quanzhou, China
  • 2020年12月27日 第一届盐湖书画社书画展
    12/27/2020 The First Exhibition of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting by Salt Lake Eastern Art Club
  • 2020年10月 很多盐湖书画社成员的书画作品在犹他科协的“花好月圆·大好河山”书画摄影展上展出
    See the Artworks of many members of Salt Lake Eastern Art Club at the CAST-UT online art show
  • 2020年10月21日 – 2021年2月3日 国画初学者工笔画工作坊,教师: 张玲
    10/21/2020 – 2/3/2020 Chinese Painting Workshop 2: Line Drawing Style, taught by Ms. Ling Zhang
  • 2020年10月6日 盐湖书画社书画知识讲座之五 《中国书法入門到提高的三把金钥匙》
    主讲人:张浩波 盐湖书画社顾问 广东巨人文化艺术培训学校校长 旅美艺术家
    10/06/2020 Chinese Calligrahy and Painting Online Seminar 5:
    Three Golden Keys from Entry to Enhancement in Chinese Calligraphy
    By Mr. Haobo Zhang, Visiting Artist, Consultant for SLEAC
  • 2020年6月16日 – 9月24日 国画初学者工作坊 教师:童燕齐
    6/16/2020 – 9/24/2020 Chinese Painting Beginners’ Workshop, taught by Ms. Yanqi Tong
  • 2020年8月18日 盐湖书画社书画知识讲座之四 《浅谈中国画: 花鸟作品的写意与情趣》
    讲演嘉宾: 赵桂明 号易居 画家 教育家 山西,中国
    8/18/2020 Chinese Calligrahy and Painting Online Seminar 4:
    Introduction to Chinese Painting: Meaning and Feeling in the Artwork of Flowers and Birds
    By Mr. Guiming Zhao, Educator and Professional Chinese Art-Painter
  • 2020年6月29日 – 8月31日 盐湖书画社书儿童书法初级班, 教师: 徐午
    6/29/-8/31/2020 Children’s Calligraphy Beginner Online-Class, taught by Ms. Wu Xu
  • 2020年7月14日 盐湖书画社书画知识讲座系列之三 《硬笔书法浅谈》
    7/14/2020 Chinese Calligrahy and Painting Online Seminar 3: Introduction to Pen-writing Chiese Calligraphy
    By Mr. Di Ye, Member of Association of American Chinese Calligraphy and Painting
  • 2020年5月17日 – 7月19日 盐湖书画社书儿童书法中级班, 教师: 徐午
    5/17/2020 – 7/19/2020 Chinese Calligraphy for Children: Online Course II, taught by Ms. Wu Xu
  • 2020年6月2日 盐湖书画社书画知识讲座系列之二 《书法与国画的关系以及国画快速入門的方法》
    主讲人:张浩波 盐湖书画社顾问 旅美艺术家
    6/2/2020 Chinese Calligrahy and Painting Online Seminar 2:
    Relationship of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting, and Rapid learning Methods of Painting
    By Mr. Haobo Zhang, Visiting Artist, Consultant for the Salt Lake Eastern Art Club, SLEAC
  • 2020年5月5日 盐湖书画社书画知识讲座系列之一 《书法与健康及书法快速入門的方法》
    主讲人:张浩波 盐湖书画社顾问 广东巨人文化艺术培训学校校长 旅美艺术家
    5/5/2020 Chinese Calligrahy and Painting Online Seminar 1: Chinese Calligraphy and Health – Rapid learning Methods
    By Mr. Haobo Zhang, Visiting Artist, Consultant for SLEAC
  • 2020年4月28日盐湖书画社召开了首届书画社交流群视频会议,介绍了书画社成立的目的和计划
    4/28/2020 Salt Lake Eastern Art Club hold its first open meeting to introduce SLEAC to interested attendees.

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