2024 Utah Children Chinese Painting Contest and Exhibit - Elementary School Division
2024 犹他州儿童国画赛展 - 小学部

闻鸡起舞 Get up for training as early as the chicken 李宇航 William Saylor 1st Place 1st Grade Group Kamas, Utah
沐猴而冠 Crowned by monkey 林艾文 Ivan Lin 2nd Place 1st Grade Group Cottonwood Heights, Utah
走马观花 Riding on a horse and looking at flowes 如意 Alaina Domke Expert & Popular Vote Award 1st Grade Group Park City, Utah
画蛇添足 Draw legs on a snake 林杰特 Jett Lin Expert & Popular Vote Award 1st Grade Group American Fork, Utah
芭蕉樱桃 Plantain Cherry 莉娅 Lia Lin Honorable Mention 4th Grade Cottonwood Heights, Utah
Landscape Painting Crystal Jiang Honorable Mention 5th Grade Salt Lake City, Utah